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Men Behaving Dadly

There's a quiet revolution beginning at Life Church Seaford. For the past 18 months around 15 men have been meeting fortnightly to spur one another on in the greatest pursuit of their lives. They've been meeting to explore what it looks like for each of them to engage in the formation of faith and character in their sons and daughters.

Following a process of review and healing leading to establishing values and core lessons each man has committed to opening their soul to others as they've shared about past experiences that have shaped who they are. We've reviewed our experience of being fathered (the good bits and the bad) and we've committed to implementing the lessons we've learnt to our children.

There have been some heartbreaking and inspiring moments as men have uncovered some deep wounds and there have been some moments of celebration as we've rejoiced together at what God has done.

Last night we had our first 'Primal' evening that saw sons aged 13 and above joining us for a nigh of challenges and discussion.

We played 'match the dad to the man' with photos of our fathers and then competed (of course!) in different mini games against each other, with the prize being a paid for meal out with your son/daughter. Following this some of the men shared openly about a variety of subjects. From laughing at one of the dad's 'most embarrassing memory' to applauding the courage of another who spoke about his biggest fear and how he's working it through. Someone shared advice for how to treat members of the opposite sex (apparently 'listening' is important 😉) and we rejoiced as one of the men shared vulnerably about his life and how Jesus saved him (with graphic details that not even his son had heard before!). All in all it was a really encouraging and fun filled evening, so good that we were able to share this with our sons.

Author Os Guinness wrote that there are two kinds of revolution, one that seeks to overthrow the world by force of might and one that seeks to tilt things back the way they're meant to be, the 'right way up'. The second happens not through power and aggression but by submission and courage. Our weapons, writes the apostle Paul, are not of this world. We fight not with tanks and guns but with truth and integrity, with honour and submission. We crucify the flesh along with its demands, we fight by resisting lust, dishonour, suspicion and mud-slinging. We fight by inviting the Holy Spirit to do what only the the Holy Spirit can do - turn things up the way they're meant to be.


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