Following today's brilliant sermon by Jez: 'Jesus + Nothing', I felt strongly compelled to share my story of first hand experience with the occult and 'new age' spirituality.
I share this in the hope that it can shine a light on what I consider to be a deceptive diversion for those searching hungrily and curiously for truth, healing and peace.
From a young age I always felt myself to be been gifted with prophetic insight and knowledge into spiritual things. As a child growing up in a completely atheist household this was my salvation, since with no influence of faith whatsoever coming from my family I still managed to acquire some beautiful cross necklaces that I’d wear everyday, confidently telling others, with such deep feeling that I was a Christian.
As the years went on I hit the tumultuous teenage years and unfortunately I came adrift from Jesus, and began venturing curiously into mysterious spiritual territory;
one of enchantment, magic and (unknowingly at the time) danger and distraction.
Due to childhood trauma and a lack of emotional nurturing from my own mother and father, I was searching desperately for love and peace in the world and in the arms of others. Dangerous people, places, behaviour and consumption were my reality for many years until I was plunged into the deepest, darkest depression and anxiety in my early 20’s.
This all resulted in me becoming bed bound, exhausted and unable to think or speak for myself.
I became numb to every feeling which as a stark contrast to my previously deep, expressive and vibrant self.
I truly was a shell.
I reflect back on this time now with the knowledge that this was actually God's intervention.
I believe that I experienced a 'system override of the soul' so to speak where I was finally taken away from physical danger which God used for my recalibration. Unbeknownst to me I was going through a deep reset in every fibre of my being.
When the light got ‘switched back on’ and I was finally able to function again, it began a journey of intense healing as I was opened up to a world of understanding that helped changed my life over the years.
I was able to heal my depression, anxiety and hormone disorder on the physical level completely over time by diving deep into every single natural health avenue I could find.
Over the years I had received a vast knowledge of many different natural healing avenues which I gratefully consider a true gift from God as I now use that knowledge to help others with their own health almost daily.
During these years I dove deep into spiritual practices everything from Women’s circles, Song circles, Sound baths, Reiki healing, Angel/oracle cards, Crystal healing, Ecstatic dance, Buddhist chant circles, Meditation, Breathwork, Yoga, Chakra work, Energy and home smudging (cleansing rituals with sage) the list goes on!
I have an extensive knowledge of how these practices work energetically on the mind, body and soul and I would love to share my understanding of the comparison between their power and healing abilities compared to that of Jesus himself (see part two for that).
At my baptism last summer God wrote into my being the word ‘Pure’. The day after this, unexpectedly whilst sitting in my car waiting for my daughter to wake up, I experienced the biggest 'cleansing' experience in my life.

My whole-body, head to toe, was covered in a goosebump like sensation and simultaneously all of my senses suddenly switched into high gear and became strong and vibrant, it felt reminiscent of my childhood experiences. All the while I had this repetition of knowing throughout my whole being, the word 'pure' resounding round and round in my mind and soul. This lasted a couple of minutes until the physical sensations subsided and i was able to sit back in my seat and laugh with amazement at what I just experienced!
I began thanking Jesus profusely over and over again knowing that I truly had become pure of spirit once again, a house for the holiest of spirits and it was euphoric.
God gave me an analogy of a window. My beautiful gleaming window, through which I could see God - a window I’d received when I was born, had unfortunately over the years got murkier and murkier with each sin and each person with whom I’d exchanged spiritual energies in forms I shouldn't have. Suddenly in a moment my window had been washed and wiped completely clean. I was given a brand-new gleaming window, pure and clear as day! Born again.
I experienced the mightiest and holiest of cleanses that I had been searching and performing practices trying to attain tirelessly for MANY years. None of them were ever able to give me the brand-new gleaming window I so wanted other than Jesus himself. No song circle, reiki session, sound bath, cleansing sage ritual could ever compare to the power that I experienced that divine day.
Because they're not designed to! They are practices designed by man for man.
What I experienced that day was designed by GOD, given by God for man. Of course I was going to feel the difference! The same principle was true as when I first started praying directly to Jesus as opposed to 'The Universe’. In absolute awe of how he made shifts happen in my life almost instantaneously to prove the magnitude of his power.
To show the pure power of his love for me.
No longer would praying to 'the universe' suffice after experiencing the love, power and magnificence of the MOST high!
The universe is the creation and God is the CREATOR.
All that time I had been thanking, praising and communicating with the creation as opposed to the creator.
Jez spoke recently about the dangers of drifting unless we’re rooted in Jesus. Sadly some are adrift from him and have lost their way, some get distracted by 'shiny' and 'quirky' practices that provide a level of enchantment, a subject I feel more than qualified through experience to speak about. In my conclusion; some are outright dangerous, some are harmless, some can serve as beneficial for one's wellbeing, but ultimately, they will all always only serve as a comfortable second best if Jesus is not involved.
If we don’t come to Jesus but instead practice new age spirituality it will be like watching the warm up act forever and never actually getting see the STAR OF THE SHOW.
There is a shift in our current times….
People are waking up fast to the knowing that our world has unseen forces and consciousness and the enchantment aspect behind that causes deep curiosity to find the ultimate truth.
We need to stand close to Jesus, safe upon his riverboat to have the ultimate protection.
Don’t be distracted by bells and whistles because the simple fact of the matter is Jesus doesn't need all of those! He is enough, and mightier in his power for that simplicity!
Those practices are lukewarm in comparison to the fire of his power and love.
Returning to that purity and simplicity with Jesus will sustain me and keep me afloat in the river of life and so I will never go adrift from him again.
No longer do I attempt to cleanse myself or my home with bundles of sage.
Just simply asking and speaking his name is enough to get the job done!
I will still keep my expensive crystal collection since, aside from their beauty, they serve as a visual reminder of all that God has done for me.
